We Support All Key Stakeholders

Whether looking to better manage a population or optimize the cost and outcomes of surgical episodes, the VOX Adherence Management Model deeply empowers individuals and provides concierge support for their care journey, facilitating value-based care for all.

Solutions Outcomes

Advanced Care Journeys + Navigational Support

Fully developed and clinically advised content and protocols, along with VOXScore adherence measure and Concierge Adherence Management Team to ensure every patient is optimized throughout their perioperative journey.

Achieve Value-Based Goals

Outcomes-based payment models introduce a realignment of risk and tremendous opportunities to increase volume and financial upside. VOX pre-op preparation and recovery monitoring will allay the potential for downside risk and maximize the potential for upside reward.

Maximize Care Team Efficiency

No more administrative burden for your care team. Our Adherence Management Model and clinical alert escalation and notification system allow your staff to focus on patients with identified needs, providing the right care at the right time for 4 times as many patients as other models.

Optimized Data Collection + Analytics

Easily surpass CMS PROMs and quality reporting mandates with our industry-leading data collection and analytic tools for easy aggregation, reporting and submission.

Secure Platform Architecture + Streamlined EHR Integration

Annually audited and evaluated by leading healthcare organizations, the VOX platform ensures the highest level of HIPAA compliance and seamless interoperability for bidirectional data flow.


Advanced Care Journeys + Navigational Support

Fully developed and clinically advised content and protocols, along with VOXScore adherence measure and Concierge Adherence Management Team to ensure every patient is optimized throughout their perioperative journey.

Impactful Value for Provider Partners

The VOX Platform and Adherence Management Model will set your provider partners up for a successful transition into risk-aligned payment models, help drive up volume and enhance the efficiency of their care team.

Optimize Member Experience and Outcomes

Empowering your members and managing their expectations throughout their healthcare journey puts them on the path toward self-advocacy for themselves and their whole families.

Insightful Population Data + Health Equity

With our Whole Person Index, you will gain a comprehensive view of underlying drivers of health, including behavior, genetics, social determinants and clinical conditions that allow for proactive planning at the personalized and population level across all demographics.

Advanced Care Journeys + Navigational Support

Fully developed and clinically advised content and protocols, along with VOXScore adherence measure and Concierge Adherence Management Team to ensure every patient is optimized throughout their perioperative journey.

Industry-Leading Engagement + Adherence

While your employees may not be on the job, they still have a responsibility to their employer to be the best patient they can be to avoid complications, expedite their recovery and return to work. VOX’s proprietary Adherence Management Model facilitates transparent measures and predictive analysis.

Optimize Member Experience and Outcomes

Empowering your members and managing their expectations throughout their healthcare journey puts them on the path toward self-advocacy for themselves and their whole families.

Insightful Data for Maximum ROI

In addition to reducing the overall cost of care through improved outcomes, with our Whole Person Index, you will gain a comprehensive view of underlying drivers of health, including behavior, genetics, social determinants and clinical conditions that allow for proactive planning at the personalized and population level, resulting in a more targeted allocation of resources.


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