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AAOS Selects VOX Telehealth to Participate in its PROMs Vendor Program

VOX Telehealth is proud to support AAOS and its 39,000 members in optimizing the collection of PROMs in order to facilitate best practices that result in best experience and outcomes.

FAQs: Mandatory CMS Inpatient THA/TKA PRO-PM

The goal of this measure is to quantify pain and functional improvements with validated patient- reported outcome measures (PROMs) to improve patient lives.

Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Codes 2024

Download Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Codes Understand the new RTM codes finalized in the 2024 Physician Fee Schedule

Katie Kaney Podcast: Whole Person Index® is transforming the way we understand personal health

Dr Katie Kaney, PhD, brings a missional focus in all of her work. Her patented Whole Person Index ® is transforming the way we understand personal health and formulas for risk stratification by incorporating an individuals behavior / adherence as a major factor along with their genetic...

National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions Interview

VOX Solutions for Employers... Value-Based at its Best Experts provide procedure-specific, online solutions that empower patients to become active partners in their care, significantly improving the patient experience and outcomes while reducing overall cost of care for patients and payers.

Improving Outcomes in Orthopedic Care: Outcomes Rocket Podcast

VOX Telehealth CEO David Brown sat down with Saul Marquez of the Outcomes Rocket podcast to discuss orthopedic care and how telehealth can improve outcomes.
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AAOS Selects VOX Telehealth to Participate in its PROMs Vendor Program

VOX Telehealth is proud to support AAOS and its 39,000 members in optimizing the collection of PROMs in order to facilitate best practices that result in best experience and outcomes.

FAQs: Mandatory CMS Inpatient THA/TKA PRO-PM

The goal of this measure is to quantify pain and functional improvements with validated patient- reported outcome measures (PROMs) to improve patient lives.

Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Codes 2024

Download Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Codes Understand the new RTM codes finalized in the 2024 Physician Fee Schedule

Katie Kaney Podcast: Whole Person Index® is transforming the way we understand personal health

Dr Katie Kaney, PhD, brings a missional focus in all of her work. Her patented Whole Person Index ® is transforming the way we understand personal health and formulas for risk stratification by incorporating an individuals behavior / adherence as a major factor along with their genetic...

National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions Interview

VOX Solutions for Employers... Value-Based at its Best Experts provide procedure-specific, online solutions that empower patients to become active partners in their care, significantly improving the patient experience and outcomes while reducing overall cost of care for patients and payers.

Improving Outcomes in Orthopedic Care: Outcomes Rocket Podcast

VOX Telehealth CEO David Brown sat down with Saul Marquez of the Outcomes Rocket podcast to discuss orthopedic care and how telehealth can improve outcomes.
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Case Study: In the Midst of Crisis, Knowledge and Connectivity Make the Difference Between Life and Death

Medical City Arlington & VOX Telehealth Partner to Improve Orthopedic Care. When facing a medical emergency, patients need two things the most: direction and a clear mind.

Person and Family Collaboration at the Center of Care: New CMS Strategy Aligns With VOX Telehealth Mission

In Mid-December, when many people were counting down to the holidays, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS ) was in its own festive mood giving us what they call the Person and Family Engagement (PFE) Strategy.

Advocate, Caregiver & Coach: Patient Engagement Requires a Team Approach

One of the most commonly used terms in healthcare today is “patient engagement.” Perhaps it is so prevalently used because every stakeholder – from healthcare providers and administrators to patients and caregivers to public and private payers – agrees that patient engagement is a good thing and provides undisputed...

Size Doesn’t Matter in Active Patient Management

It doesn’t matter if you are a 100-bed community based hospital or a large, multi-hospital health system; if you are not finding new ways to actively manage and engage your patients in the face of growing internal and external pressures, then you will constantly be playing from behind

The Fundamental Link to Patient Experience: Communication

For those working in healthcare, I hate to break it to you, but most patients really don’t want to see you. Patients avoid seeking care because healthcare is scary.

Retaining Value While Increasing Volume

More isn’t always better. An increase in volume can break any system if not prepared. Take public transportation: when more people use the system, delays, crowds, and cancelations become the norm.
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