AAOS Selects VOX Telehealth to Participate in its PROMs Vendor Program

VOX Telehealth is proud to support AAOS and its 39,000 members in optimizing the collection of PROMs in order to facilitate best practices that result in best experience and outcomes.

Get Back to Health. Get Back to Life.

Our Advanced Care Journeys and Concierge Adherence Management Team ensures continual optimization of your patients throughout their episode of care, allowing providers to focus on those in need and helping patients get back to living their lives.

At VOX, Health Equity Is Happening!

Our Concierge Adherence Management Team complements our technology platform to ensure optimal engagement and corresponding experience and outcomes across all demographics that we serve.

What Is Your VOXScore?

Our proactive Adherence Management Model monitors, measures and displays every patient’s adherence level to encourage perioperative optimization and greater transparency for care coordinators.

Industry-Leading PROMs Collection

Our industry-leading survey collection rates and analytics enable ongoing performance evaluation and ensure compliance with today’s reporting mandates.

Whole Person Index

Not just data for data’s sake. In partnership with Dr. Katie Kaney, PhD, our Whole Person Index® Population Management Program will identify key drivers of health, generate action plans and facilitate intervention and longitudinal outcomes.

Redefining the Patient Experience

VOX difference

The VOX Difference

Since 2014, we have fully displayed the “power of the patient” to positively impact their own health, experience and outcomes through our proprietary hybrid model that weaves together a proactive technology platform and human adherence management to optimize patient engagement across all demographics.
VOX Solutions

The VOX Solution

VOX leads the industry in optimizing
every patient for every healthcare journey across all priority service lines and populations by combining our Concierge Adherence Management Team with our Advanced Care Journeys that deeply empower while monitoring, measuring and displaying a patient’s adherence VOXScore.
VOX Impact

The VOX Impact

As a result of our hybrid model that offers access and scale via technology while providing human support and navigation as needed, VOX achieves unmatched levels of engagement and adherence that dramatically improve patient experience, outcomes and longitudinal PROMs collection.

Redefining the Stakeholder Experience

Patient Optimization

Our Advanced Care Journeys and Concierge Adherence Management Team ensures that every patient is optimized throughout their episode of care, facilitating a deep and immediate impact on your patient’s level of satisfaction and outcomes while organically reducing the cost of care.

Workflow Optimization

Our Adherence Management Model enables your staff to focus on patients with an identified need, allowing them to get back to their desired caregiving roles and manage the health of larger populations.

Value-Based Optimization

Today’s risk-aligned payment models require the highest level of care management, real-time transparency and longitudinal outcomes data and analytics. At VOX, we are so confident in our engagement platform and Adherence Management Model that we would eagerly share in the risk; now that’s partnership!

“VOX is unlike any episode of care tool in the industry. Able to facilitate patient compliance and optimization, improve experience and outcomes, and collect PROMs better than any platform that I have seen.”

– Dr. Attila Kett, MD

Director – Obstetric Anesthesiology, Northwell Health Board Member, ASAR

Leading the Industry in Patient Engagement



84% Very Satisfied


All Patients Enrolled


Impactful Engagement

77% at 7+, 58% at 10

Collection Rate

Fully Facilitated by VOX

Ready to Experience the VOX Difference?

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